MARKLEY’S FEVERED BRAIN: MY preferred character IS DEAD! long online MY preferred CHARACTER!

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Flash Rebirth

by Wayne Markley

I have long complained about comic book business who kill off characters only to bring them back as a different person, in a different costume, however utilizing the exact same name as the original. This was essentially exactly how DC Comics started the Silver Age of Comics with Flash, eco-friendly Lantern, Atom, Hawkman, etc., all being reintroduced in the late 1950s as well as early 1960s. They had the exact same heroic name as their Golden-Age counterparts, however they were new people in new costumes. many of these new characters were extremely successful. In the last 20 years or so, DC has done this over as well as over once again with the exact same characters – Flash, eco-friendly Lantern, Atom, etc. – as well as have failed practically every time. all of these re-launches ended up with the original character back in the costume – Hal Jordan, Barry Allen, Ray Palmer, etc. Strangely, all of these were the Silver Age versions of the golden Age characters where the contemporary versions failed to discover an audience. I believe this is mostly due  to the truth the reading audience is older as well as they like what they know, as well as that is the Silver Age versions of these characters.

Now before somebody jumps around me for being cynical as well as stating the plan was always for Hal Jordan or Barry Allen to come back as well as their deaths were only a story device, let me point out that when I was working at DC in the mid-1990s, not a day would go by where we would get a fan letter demanding than Hal or Barry be brought back. The response was always, with a fantastic offer of force as well as exclamation, “Kyle is eco-friendly Lantern! Hal is gone!” or “Barry is dead! Wally is Flash! get utilized to it!” There were absolutely no plans to restore the Silver Age versions of those traditional characters. Mind you, the golden Age versions were still knocking around the DC Universe. as well as Flash was held up as an example of a character who died as well as stayed dead. Well, he was dead. now the most well-known character to die as well as stay dead is Captain Marvel. I understand he will come back at some point, as well as they have resurrected the character with new people under the helmet. None of them have caught on, even though Peter David’s run on the Captain marvel comic was excellent.

Death of Superman

Some killings were done strictly as a gimmick. The death of Superman was done as a storyline with the long term plan to bring Clark Kent back as well as to continue on with the conventional storylines. At the time it was an big success since dying as well as coming back to life to assist increase sales was a new thing. as well as since it was Superman. The recent death of Batman was a organized stunt that got nowhere near the interest in the mass media that Superman’s passing got. I believe the reasons were nobody believed that Bruce Wayne was dead. This story was old news in the mass media. After all, Superman as well as Captain America had both died as well as came back. as well as the Batman story was so complex (or in my opinion, just poorly told) that the story was not able to get the audience as well as make them care sufficient want to see more. Yes, I understand that The Return of Bruce Wayne is a very popular comic. However, I have discovered extremely few purchasers of the book who are really thrilled by reading the book or ever had any type of question the final result would be Bruce back as the Bat. They all tell me that they are purchasing it since they like Batman or believe it may be collectible. Mind you, this is just a little sampling from one comic book store in the Midwest.

Captain America Reborn

Perhaps the only recent example of altering the primary character under the costume that seems to have worked as well as got both mass media interest as well as broadened its fan base, is Captain America. While I have no question the original will come back at some point, Ed Brubaker told a fantastic story where he restored Bucky Barnes from the dead (yes, again), however in a extremely innovative way. He would replace his mentor, just like Dick Grayson did in Batman as well as Wally West did in the Flash. The difference has been that when marvel restored Steve Rogers, he did not come back at Captain America. Clark Kent, Hal Jordan, Barry Allen, as well as Ray Palmer all came back their original heroic identity. When Steve Rogers came back, he told Bucky he was now Captain America. Steve has taken on a new function in the marvel Universe. I for one greatly applaud this. They made a modification as well as stuck to it, while bringing back the character the fans liked as Cap. two quick asides though. One, as I discussed earlier, I have no question at some point down the road Steve Rogers will when once again ended up being Cap. Two, Captain America has a long custom of altering the guy under the cowl. If you have never checked out them, I would extremely suggested the Steve Englehart Captain America stories with the Phantom Empire/Nomad, collected in two extremely good trades.

In conclusion, I have extremely bit hope the comic book characters will ever die as well as stay dead. I just desire that their deaths were much more than bad attempts to raise the sales of a book or a lack of innovative vision to produce new characters. I ask you, what was wrong with Jim Corrigan as the Spectre? Or Vic Sage as the Question? Ted Kord as the blue Beetle? Are the new versions any type of better? any type of much more popular? I would argue, no.

Adventure Comics

One a happier note, I would suggest Paul Levitz’s new legion of Super-Heroes stories in experience Comics. the most recent story in number twelve was downright fun as well as it reminded me why I delight in comic books. provide it a try if you have the money. As always, these are my opinions as well as not those of Westfield Comics. feel totally free to get in touch with me at MFBWAY@AOL.COM with any type of comments or dislike mail. Or, even easier, just publish a comment below.

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